Welcome Back!

Welcome back to The Ultimate VeggieTales Web Site! As you may notice, things are a bit spartan around here right now. Well, there’s a good reason …
The old UltimateVeggie.com was online for many years without any updates. When we recently moved servers, the data was unfortunately (though temporarily) lost. Since hundreds of VeggieTales fans still visit the site every week and we don’t want to see it go away, we thought we take this as an opportunity to finally relaunch the site and update it with all the latest Veggie releases and info.
So in the days and weeks to come, you’ll be able to watch our progress rebuilding the site right here, live! Here’s what you can expect:
- News on the latest and upcoming releases from VeggieTales
- A full VeggieTales episode guide, with details about every show — including those fun, behind-the-scenes factoids you may not know
- A complete guide to the music of the show, both on the DVDs and the original CD music
- Not sure which video(s) your favorite story shows up on? You’ll be able to browse Veggie history by story and find out.
- … and more!
What else would you like to see on the new, revised site? What did we have on the old site that you want to make sure makes it onto the new? Post a comment!
The Ultimate VeggieTales Web Site! is the Internet’s very first VeggieTales resource, dating back to its original launch in 1996. Thanks for sticking with us for 15 years of VeggieTales fun!
It would be so nice if you put the lyrics of the songs besides the silly songs 😉
Thanks for the comment, Spongefan! We’ll definitely be posting lyrics to all the songs, starting with Silly Songs With Larry.
The back-end work on the site is nearly complete, and you may have noticed that we’ve started populating the sections of the site with content. There’s so much Veggie history out there that it’ll take us some time, but you can monitor our progress by clicking through the sections on the main menu.
My brothers and I really like Elliot’s Afraid of List and would like to see if it is available to be added to the sight for us to see without the DVD.
I would really like to see your sheet music come back – I just got online to purchase the sheet music to “Hope’s Song” and now my computer just crashed… Now I know it was just because of updates. Please bring back sheet music!
I am 10 years old and I love veggie tails just love them i am a huge fan of larry,Bob,junior,Madum Blue berry,r Lunt,and Pa Grape But most of all Phill Vicher!!!!!
Veggie tales, madam (not um) blueberry, mr lunt, and phil (one l) vischer! (and phil is no longer on veggietales, even when you posted that comment 🙁
i wish you would put the music in the music bar.
Hi my name is Rustin and I am thirteen. I am one of the BIGGEST VeggieTales fans! I Started watching it when I was one , And I am Still Collecting all of the videos. I have every single one except The Little Drummer Boy. I have seen it though. Very good. I remember when I won a contest on AFR radio when I was six. I drew a picture of Jack the Broccoli and I won all of the VeggieTales videos. Good thing cause our VHS player broke and If I could not watch my VeggieTales I would throw a fit!I also got to Talk to Larry-Boy!!! That was very exciting!!! Well, I’ve got to go, but remember God made you special, and he loves you very much!!!! Bye!
bully trouble was from Minnesota Cuke and the search of Samson’s
Can you do an episode based on a Rankin/Bass special “Frosty the Snowman?”
That sounds intresting…
i was thinking of the three mushroomiteers, peter pear, you know classic novels…
Hi Is there an ETA on the lyrics being available? I’m excited about the new site! THANK YOU
Big Idea, why isn’t “Jonah Sing-Along Songs and More!” released on DVD?
Hi, my name is Isabella, I am 10 yrs old and I love Veggietales!!!, I have a favor to ask you; my daddy is an Army soldier and he just came back from Afghanistan, while he was over there I was scared of him getting hurt, do you think it is possible to have Bob and Larry to make a movie about our soldiers and help us kids to learn how to trust in God more and pray to Him to keep and bring our soldiers back home safe and sound? Thank you for all your efforts in helping me with this favor! God bless you 🙂
Hello my name is LaStar and I am the mother to a 1yr old boy, named C3. After watching one of our veggie tales movies it had something about the biggest fan website and rewards or gifts that can come with it. Does that website still exist?